History in South Dakota is being made:

South Dakota makes US History: "the abortion will terminate the life of a...living human being". The only abortion clinic in the state closes. -"Monday was the first day that Planned Parenthood, which operates the only abortion business in South Dakota, had to comply with a new state law telling women the truth about abortion. Rather than tell women abortion kills children and has numerous risks, Planned Parenthood closed its doors...The Unruhs are currently involved in the Vote Yes For Life Campaign, which would effectively ban abortions in South Dakota, putting the finishing nail in the coffin of the abortion industry there. Text of the new law and links to the court decision can be found at http://www.voteyesforlife.http://www.voteyesforlife.com/."

More hats off to Bush for the Pro-Life and Pro-Women elected Judges. "The federal appeals court cited the portion of the Supreme Court's recent Gonzales v. Carhart decision on partial-birth abortion referring to the post-abortion problems women experience."

But ultimately it is:

"We are on the ballot-"Our initiative will be number 11 on the ballot. To God be the glory. Let it be written in history that the pro-life people of South Dakota obtained:….one of the largest number of petitions ever gathered for any initiative in SD history. (almost 50,000 with another 8,000 coming in after the petitions were delivered to Pierre.)…one of the highest percentage of valid signatures of any ballot initiative in SD history.And it was accomplished:…In two and a half months in one of the coldest winters in decades.…With a 100% volunteer effort.…With no out of state people gathering signatures."-God and His people are at work!!! Is there a new slave trade abolition like movement in modern history called the Pro-Life movement. Will one day abortion be considered as heinous as slavery!!! South Dakota may be in God's providential History book!!! We will have to wait and see and may never see it in our lifetime but many never did in times pst either!!! For now South Dakota is!!!

Check out this argument for those compromising on this issue with Obama: "Burch says those who justify their support for Obama with the belief that he would enact policies to reduce abortions in America have yet to cite anything specific that he is willing to commit to in order to do that. "We would never allow a candidate to receive our support who says 'I want to reduce the number of slaves in America -- but I am 100 percent committed to keep slavery legal,'" the Catholic activist suggests. "We have to remember again what this is and what abortion is -- it is the taking of human life, it is destructive to women, [and] it's destructive to our country."-These are all quotes from different articles on the blog above. There is much more on McCain and Obama as they make this an issue in their compaigns even though NBC, CBS, ABC and PBS largely ignore it and as far as I can have flat ignored it (see more on Do Americans believe there is a media bias when it comes to coverage on Obama and McCain? concerning media bias). Check out this issue on the international scene and much more on this South Dakota blog.

Colorado and Mexico are attempting to make historical progress for the unborn

Also, in this blog as I already reported on the Historical ballot initiative in Colorado to define a human being as a being from fertilization (see Colorado under Ballot Initiatives), now Mexico has joined in to also, define life from fertilization (see subheading Mexico and the UN)

Another new post of great importance politically speaking for McCain:

Dobson may endorse McCain depending on VP. Obama making no headway amongst Evangelicals and actually doing worse then Kerry. On this blog you can check out recent polls and compare them to last election and note that Obama inspite of his efforts to reach for the evangelical vote is behind Kerry from last election amogst evangelicals and this inspite of all his attention in the media. But McCain is lagging behind Bush in this category so if McCain can pick up the right VP then Dobson has said he may endorse McCain which means that McCain may pick up more of the many undecided evangelicals to equal to Bush in the poll comparisons. I think many of us are waiting for McCain to make some actions that will let us know that issues like the unborn and family/religious issues are important. He has been saying all the right things publicly as I blogged on in a prior email at Obama's Divisive Faith Based Initiative/Update on NM Photography case/www.BoycottMcDonalds.com/Arizona Marriage Amendment and McCain scroll down to sub heading Good News on McCain which of course the media is to busy to inform but let us see if his say so/Pro-Life voting record matches his VP pick.

Hype: The Obama Effect Movie

Hype: The Obama Effect movie coming out and the side of a story you may be missing. "The World Is Powering Up While America Powers Down"-Featuring Jill Stanek "Jill Stanek Jill Stanek's commitment to Christ led her to risk her job, reputation, and friendships to stop the terrible practices of abortion and infanticide. Jill was a registered nurse at Christ Hospital in Illinois when she made the shocking discovery that babies were being aborted alive and allowed to die without medical care. Jill went public and has since become a national figure in the effort to protect both born and pre-born infants. In January 2003, Jill was named by World Magazine as one of the 30 most prominent pro-life leaders in the movement over the past 30 years. Jill writes about pro-life issues as a weekly columnist for WorldNetDaily.com. You can sign up to receive Jill's columns by email at her video and cd table after our event. Jill is a member of Parkview Christian Church in Orland Park, Illinois. She and husband Rich have three children and four grandsons."-I find it providential that the Born Alive Infant Protection Act has its beginnings in Illinois (Obama's political home state) and became a national issue led by a Christian Nurse whose only opposition was Obama backed by a plan applauded by Planned Parenthood. Jill fought hard for the protection of babies that survive an abortion against Obama. See Obama's 10 reasons for supporting infanticide. This is quite a story from the Nurse who testified concerning this horrific happening. The movie is not only about this subject but much more concerning his radical liberal views on much more then abortion.

Comfort in Tragedy

When Life Is Changed Forever, Part 1 and When Life Is Changed Forever, Part 2. This is a true story of a mother who lost a young son and Godly comfort for those going thru such tragedies. Be prepared to cry but also, if you have friends or family that have gone thru such a tragedy this may be a great source of comfort. You can also, browse the other subject on this web site at: http://www.familylife.com/site/c.dnJHKLNnFoG/b.3876235/k.8398/Advanced_Search.htm.

Take care all

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