Disclaimer for context/purpose: I understand that there are many more issues besides values issues and below is a reason as to why the focus on values issues....

Here is Heather Wilson and Steve Pearce voting record on values issues.-By Focus on the Family and the Family Research Center. The race between Wilson and Pearce for the Republican Nominee for Senate is very close so every vote will count. The house of representatives probably won't even be close so I didn't bother posting anything about it here mainly because I don't know enough about the 2 candidates and there is no history of voting records with them either. A recent poll has Pearce 3 percent ahead of Wilson with a 4.8 percent of error. So its that close. It will be interesting cause Pearce is running on a true conservative ticket whereas Wilson is running on a "common sense" conservative meaning more moderate. So we will see who New Mexican Republicans choose...

Also, enclosed as an attachment for areas that you can vote at and you can vote now as an early voter at some locations but the last day to vote is June 3rd.

For those living in other states this includes the values voting record of all senators and congressman in all 50 states.

Heather Wilson receives a 75% approval rating and Pearce 100%. The most telling one that divides the 2 for me is Heather voted against Restricting funds to Planned Parenthood whereas Steve voted for Restricting funds to Planned Parenthood. That is the main reason why I am voting for Pearce although there are others that are not the most prevalent issues with me...

Of course the Democrat Tom Udall scored a miserable 6%.

My argument for taking values issues first into consideration when voting is: how can we expect the blessings of God (good economy/good national health(care)/national security(war)/etcetcetc) without voting with His values in mind above His blessings? So can we expect to obtain God's blessings if we ignore His values in the voting booth or in our personal lives?

As I have been reviewing the quotations of Americas' founding fathers it seems they were not just concerned about abuse of governmental power and religious freedom issues but also quite concerned about the state of the people of the nation. It seems that they saw that just because much power is given to the democratic process that we should not expect this to guarantee our freedoms for if the people were corrupt then the inevitable outcome would be a corrupt government and not only that but that it is impossible to govern a corrupt people despite the most perfect government. So you find many many quotes from our forefathers admonishing the people of the US like the ones below from Samuel and John Adams about one major cause of corrupt government that being the people themselves (its as if they saw no one immune to sin and corruption (not just governments but the people under governments) and assumed a bentness toward sin in all areas of national life both personal and governmental as an enemy to ourselves as a people. Namely that ourselves are a possible enemy to ourselves.)...

I find this admonition from Thomas Jefferson most applicable in this context: "Give up money, give up fame, give up science, give the earth itself and all it contains rather than do an immoral act"-Thomas Jefferson. And I can't help to wonder what Mr Jefferson or any of our founding fathers/early supreme court justices/early American voters would think of Planned Parenthood and what they promote.

And that sums up my argument for a values first vote for but also, remembering the admonitions of our forefathers that we should always be examining our own walk before the Lord and our motives in both our views of government and self and not at all the least God Himself... If all these other issues are of such great importance how much more should the issue of God and our relationship with Him be... For more quotes from our founding fathers and a great resource site in this area check out http://www.wallbuilders.com/.

One last argument (sorry) could be made when voting is: If Jesus were to vote who would He most likely vote for? If Jesus had a kid would He not die to let him/her live. The obvious answer is yes. Jesus would not choose death for His kid even if the his child was a result of a rape or even if it meant His life were at stake. The obvious answer is Jesus would freely die to let another live. Would Jesus encourage promiscuity in His sex education and hand out condoms or would He not stick to the ten commandments? Would Jesus support bills that have been used to suppress the speech of His own Word which is that message by which people are saved from their sins? Would Jesus vote as if the economy/national security/health care/big government vs big business etc etc is of greater importance then the above? I believe the answer is probably not...

And for a little perspective and argument against my own argument to put it all in proper context of priority: Would Jesus vote as if His vote would change the world more/better than the message that He died on the cross for our sins? Of course not...So with our voting power in the right context I encourage all to get out and vote...

The June 3 2008 Primary election for NM is going on now. I believe there are locations available for those registered as Democrat or Republican to vote at now. I just got a letter in the mail with different locations that I attached in this email. So get out and vote even if you disagree with me (I am sure for decent enough reasons) but good luck in convincing me...:) Love yah all no matter what your persuasion...

Here is another throw in of a great resource site for measuring which polls have been the most accurate polls thus far in the election process and who is ahead in the polls for the President of the US. Obama and McCain are neck and neck McCain would win if election were today according to a combination of all these polls.

Take care...

"[N]either the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt."-Samuel Adams (Signer of the Declaration of Independence) "[W]e have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. . . . Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." "[I]t is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue."-John Adams (Signer of Declaration of Independence and 2nd President of the United States of America).

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